Game Changer is a gamification project aimed to raise awareness among young people aged between 12-30. The Game Changer project involves the use of offline Social City Games and online RPG (role-playing games), which will promote tolerance, civic engagement, diversity and inclusion through gamification. Game Changer is funded by the European Union
The project is a partnership between youth and NGOs focused on addressing tolerance, open-mindedness, civic engagement and radical ideology and behavior, technology experts, media specialists, academia and youth activists.
The offline Social City Games will be located in Poznan-Poland and in Bila Tserkva- Ukraine. The online RPG will take place online and it will be possible to apply for people from any cities.
We will present the games for playing between the dates 07/02/2021 – 30/04/2021.
Here is the application form for our first game “Out Of The Box” for to apply :

Online RPG Out of the Box
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game now!
Out of the box is an online negotiation game that shows polarisation mechanisms, which effectively is one of the biggest factors in the radicalisation process. The rules of the game are easy to learn and also the game’s setting is easy to tweak for players’ needs, as it can easily be modified to tell the story of designing a school, a library, a university campus etc. The game offers an interactive game board on Roll20 and voice channels for discussion on Discord.
Online RPG After the Fall
You will be able to sign up for the game soon

After The Fall is an online game that takes place in the world after huge catastrophy. It aimes to show the im-portance of cooperation for common good. This game is designed for more advanced internet users, since in order to play participants need to use simultaneously 3 different online platforms: to communicate (Discord), to watch videos (Watch2Gether) and to make their moves(Rol20 map).
Offline game After the Fall
You will be able to sign up for the game soon

After the Fall is a team-based tactical game that aims play-ers to role-play in order to facilitate discussion surrounding the topic of environmental change and activism. The game is for minimum 4 players and 6 non-player participants, acting their roles
Offline Games Uncharted
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Uncharted is a team-based exploration game that utilizes roleplaying to focus on the problem of hate speech and negative views towards people with different backgrounds, beliefs, culture, etc. that often results in the development of polar and extreme ideology. Besides 15 to 30 players the game requires 2 additional participants acting their roles in a plot that must be trained by facilitator before the game.
Online RPG Out of the Box
You can sign up for the
game now!
Out of the box is an online negotiation game that shows polarisation mechanisms, which effectively is one of the biggest factors in the radicalisation process. The rules of the game are easy to learn and also the game’s setting is easy to tweak for players’ needs, as it can easily be modified to tell the story of designing a school, a library, a university campus etc. The game offers an interactive game board on Roll20 and voice channels for discussion on Discord.
Online RPG After the Fall
You will be able to sign up for the game soon

After The Fall is an online game that takes place in the world after huge catastrophy. It aimes to show the im-portance of cooperation for common good. This game is designed for more advanced internet users, since in order to play participants need to use simultaneously 3 different online platforms: to communicate (Discord), to watch videos (Watch2Gether) and to make their moves(Rol20 map).
Offline game Key of Whispersteel
You will be able to sign up for the game soon

The Key of Whispersteel is a narrative based role-playing team game set in an urban space, inspired by the popular youth series Locke and Key. It is a modern reality mixed with the themes of a dark, broken fairy tale in which there is a magic of high and unspecified power coming from de-mons.
Offline Games Uncharted
You will be able to sign up for the game soon

Uncharted is a team-based exploration game that utilizes roleplaying to focus on the problem of hate speech and negative views towards people with different backgrounds, beliefs, culture, etc. that often results in the development of polar and extreme ideology. Besides 15 to 30 players the game requires 2 additional participants acting their roles in a plot that must be trained by facilitator before the game.