Critical thinking Youth FORCE. Riga, Latvia, 2019
About the project
Critical thinking Youth Force was a Youth exchange that was hosted by Logos Latvia between 25th of April and 3rd of May 2019. This project was supported by the Latvian national agency as part of Erasmus+ programme and made within Skepsis movement framework. At this project we had 30 young people from Poland, Latvia, Czechia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia.
Our aim
We aimed to share with all participants the initial idea of the Skepsis movement, and give them an opportunity to be part of it through developing various materials connected to topics of critical thinking and media literacy.
We had the following objectives:
- To increase understanding of how media and social networks affect our perception;
- To increase media literacy among the participants;
- To develop skills of critical thinking among participants;
- To create the possible activities for the Skepsis movement devoted to the critical thinking and media literacy;
- To find common ground and innovative ideas for future partnership working using the skills and knowledge of people from diverse backgrounds;
- To develop future projects on the topic;
- To raise participants’ awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries;
- To create a comics book.
Project results
At the project participants worked in several groups creating various materials connected with critical thinking. We presented these materials at the open event that took place in Riga in Bambus office. Below you can see the results of their work:
Brochure with basic information about critical thinking
Critical thinking promotion handbook
Debate activity
City quest
Video comics
Music video
Project partners
Logos Poland and Latvia

Modern Youth Academy

Institute of Youth power

Asociate Tom CR, Tom 21105 Dumanci