
INTER(RELATION) PATH through Spain, Poland and Germany (2024)


INTER(RELATION) PATH is an innovative project designed to create a more inclusive society through the power of art and cross-border collaboration. Our mission is to harness artistic research and residencies to foster social inclusion, intercultural dialogue, and youth empowerment. By facilitating meaningful interactions between refugees and local communities in Spain, Poland, and Germany, we aim to break down barriers and build understanding.
The project is carried out by the staff of the three participating organizations and by the following outstanding artists: Noelia A. Ferreira from Spain, Kamil Druk from Poland and Jannik Trapp from Germany. These artists accompany us throughout the entire process and will be in charge of working side by side with the immigrants and with locals in each stages of the project.

Here's how we are doing it:

As part of the INTER(RELATION) PATH project, a Study Visit was held in Berlin from February 28 to March 2, 2024, bringing together artists and organizers to explore migration as a catalyst for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue. This visit, facilitated by Lernlabor, focused on understanding migration through both personal experiences and broader geopolitical contexts.

Participants engaged in a simulation workshop led by Mohamad from Refugee Voices Tour, envisioning a future Europe shaped by radical political shifts. The group also visited key exhibitions, including "We Call it Revolution" at FHXB Museum and "Echoes of the Brother Countries" at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, deepening their understanding of migration from local and international perspectives.

This visit marks the first stage of a journey that will continue with a residency in Spain and a final exhibition in Poland.

As part of the INTER(RELATION) PATH project, a two-week residency took place in Soria, Spain, focusing on the themes of migration, integration, and social cohesion through artistic research and production. Building on insights gained during our Berlin study visit, artists engaged with Soria’s rich history and current challenges.

Soria, known for its poetic landscapes and the historic resistance of Numantia, provided a powerful backdrop for this residency. Through collaboration with local NGOs and collectives, participants deepened their understanding of migration and the ongoing struggles within the city, including depopulation and generational divides.

With the support of the Soria City Council, the selected artists—Noelia A. Ferreira (Spain), Kamil Druk (Poland), and Jannik Trapp (Germany)—created impactful urban interventions addressing these gaps. The artworks produced during this residency will be showcased in Poznan, Poland, starting May 24th.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us for the "INTER(RELATION) PATH" exhibition. Titled "Bridging Absences," this exhibition provided a powerful exploration of migration, social inclusion, and intercultural dialogue, emphasizing the importance of connection and understanding in a divided world.

The exhibition featured the collaborative works of Noelia A. Ferreira (Spain), Kamil Druk (Poland), Jannik Trapp (Germany),  and Natalia Juszkiewicz-Wrotek (Poland), whose artistic contributions enriched this international project.

Meet our partner organizations:

Asociación Creando por Soria (Soria, Spain)


A rural artistic initiative that promotes artistic creation among its inhabitants. It provides residency scholarships, organizes festivals, and offers training workshops for both arts professionals and local residents.


Lernlabor (Berlin, Germany)

A social enterprise with charitable status that creates educational, cultural, and artistic projects. Lernlabor fosters creativity, intercultural exchange, and lifelong learning through its innovative initiatives.


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Shared Spaces: Co- creating inclusive enviroments for migrants and local communities

Shared Spaces is a project funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ program: KA210 – Small Scale Partnerships for Youth. Project number: 2023-1-SE02-KA210-YOU-000160073

The project is implemented in cooperation with Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Project information:

Shared Spaces: Co- creating inclusive enviroments for migrants and local communities

Shared Spaces recognizes the challenges that young migrants face when trying to integrate themselves into the host society and the critical role community-based organizations play in promoting youth participation and commitment to local activities. The project aims to bring solutions and support to fostering a sense of belonging among youth from diverse backgrounds in the local community through activities and events.

The initial phase of our project was dedicated to comprehensive research aimed at understanding the complexities of the issues and the specific needs of our target groups. This involved conducting focus groups with young migrants and educators, distributing surveys to gather insights from young people, and interviewing youth workers aligned with our project’s objectives.

By clicking on the "Polish National Index" button you can get acquainted in detail with the results of the research carried out in Poland as part of the project.

Training Course "SHARED SPACES"

We are excited to announce the successful completion of the training course "SHARED SPACES", which took place in Orrefors, Sweden, from May 24th to June 1st. It was a fantastic time filled with learning and collaboration.

This project is part of KA210 – Small Scale Partnerships for Youth. The project is implemented in cooperation with Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Highlights from the training course:

Training Participants
We helped 24 participants to improve their skills in community engagement, intercultural communication, non-formal education, and building solidarity between diverse communities.

Creating New Methods
Participants worked together to create new methods and services for community engagement. These ideas were tested in partner NGOs to see how effective they were in real life.

Sharing Experiences
We shared best practices and research results from four countries. This inspired participants to implement new ideas in their own communities.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this training a success! Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities to join our projects!

Photo from the Training Course "SHARED SPACES"

Access2Success: Digital Pathways for Adult Learners, Migrants, and Refugees

Access2Success is a project funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ program: Key Action 2. Project number: 2023-1-SE01-KA210-ADU-000160557

The project is implemented in cooperation with Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Project information:

Access2Success: Digital Pathways for Adult Learners, Migrants, and Refugees

The Access2Success project seeks to analyze the impact of the digital divide existing among the migrant adult population or those with a migratory background. The project's mission is to empower people from diverse backgrounds with essential tools to promote digital skills, encourage digital literacy and open debate around concepts such as digital citizenship.

The initial phase of our project was dedicated to comprehensive research aimed at understanding the complexities of the issues and the specific needs of our target groups: adult learners, migrants and refugees. This involved conducting focus groups, distributing surveys, and interviewing associations aligned with our project’s objectives.

By clicking on the "Polish National Index" button you can get acquainted in detail with the results of the research carried out in Poland as part of the project.

Training Course "Access2Success"

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the "ACCESS2SUCCESS Training Course," which took place in Orrefors, Sweden, from June 3rd to June 11th. This training course was an important element in the ACCESS2SUCCESS project, which is small-scale Partnerships for Adults, сo-funded by the European Union, and was run in collaboration with organizations Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Highlights from the training course:

Empowering Participants
We helped participants improve their skills and knowledge in digital competences, making them better equipped to provide educational services.

Developing Innovative Tools
Participants worked together to create practical educational tools, which were tested and implemented in partner organizations.

Exploring AI and Society
The course explored how AI affects societies, helping participants understand this technology and its impact on democracy.

Combating Disinformation
Participants learned effective ways to improve digital safety, enhance information literacy, and fight disinformation and fake news.

We are excited about the positive impact this training course had on the participants and their communities. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this training a success! Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities to join our projects!

Narratives from Nature. Janowice Wielkie, Poland, 2022

“Narratives from nature” it's an outdoor project that took place in the Janowice Wielkie region of Poland between 15-29 September 2022. 

🏕The main aim of the project was to promote environmental awareness, sustainability, intercultural cooperation and tolerance through reflecting on our relationship with the natural world.

🎒This project provided the opportunity for 36 participants from programme and partner countries to explore a region of Poland that stands out for its natural beauty and ecological diversity. Through the frame of storytelling, participants explored the local environment and each other's cultures in an outdoor setting.

🇵🇱During the two weeks of project participants gained outdoor skills, visited local places of historical and cultural importance to explore the traditions of the region and went for a multi-day hike in the Rudawski National Park and the Giant Mountains. Through experimenting with different methods of storytelling participants created their own stories by the end of the project. In those stories they reflected on the experience of spending two weeks outdoors with an international group and shared their unique experiences.

This youth exchange was implemented by Logos, Lernlabor, AMITIE FRANCO RUSSE LANGUEDOC “AFR” and was financed by Erasmus+ programme.

Participants video works

#Tell the nature! Volda, Norway, 2022

"Tell the Nature" it's an outdoor project that happened in Volda, Norway in August 2022.

This youth exchange was a truly spectacular experience that brought everyone together. It was a unique blend of storytelling, camping, and an outdoor expedition that lasted for nine full days.

The participants had the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in nature and explore the stunning surroundings. They learned about the importance of preserving the environment and how to connect with nature in a meaningful way through storytelling.

Camping in the wilderness was a true adventure, and the participants gained valuable skills and knowledge about surviving in the great outdoors. The expedition was a time to bond, share experiences, and create unforgettable memories.

Overall, the "Tell the Nature" project was an amazing experience that highlighted the beauty and significance of nature. The participants left feeling inspired, refreshed, and with a greater appreciation for the natural world.

Project was implemented by Logos together with amazing partners Lernlabor and RE:ACT Volda.

Our Carpathian Stories. Lviv-Dzembronya-Babyn, Ukraine, 2021

Our Carpathian stories was an almost 2 weeks long Youth exchange, where we used outdoor education and hiking in mountains to develop and share stories. We started from our favourite Білий Слон camping and went to beautiful (and very cold at that moment) Carpathians. We hiked for 4 days and met local people, animals and of course nature.

We visited Shyptsi and Rebra mountains, cooked on the fire and told each other different stories.
It was a challenging but unique experience for all participants - those who were on their first hike and those who are experienced.
When we came down we learned more about storytelling, got to know locals and especially babushkas and did rafting!

This youth exchange was implemented by Logos, Kompetenta Unga, Lernlabor, European Integration Group, Karas, Amazing Educaiton and was financed by Erasmus+ programme

Below we want to share results of the projects made by participants

Photo story about Khata Maysternya, one of the locations that we stayed at

Drawing made by participants to represent our hike

Photo editing made in style of famous artists

Video shot by participant of the project

Video shot by participant of the project

Video shot by participant of the project

A tale written and performed by participants

Drawing by participant

Hiking can be exhausting

Video made by project participant

Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange. May-November, 2020

From June till November Polish citizens and residents had the opportunity to take part in the Debate Exchange project. It was a great opportunity to participate in an exchange which is taking place in virtual space – on an online platform.

Debate Exchange –It’s not only a great possibility to break out boredom. You have also a chance to discuss important subjects with people all around the world without leaving your home. You can meet interesting people, share your point of view and improve or even get new skills such as speaking, active listening or debating abilities.

Each participants need to complete at least one cycle. Cycles consist of following parts:

-          Training (Group members are agreeing on a time of training which is leading by a team leader.)

-          Debate

-          Post-debate Dialogue session (followed discussion on debate’s matters, observations and experience)

Beside priceless knowledge and experience, participants are rewarded with EU certificates.

That’s what our participants told about their experience:


Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange is a great opportunity to share your ideas in a multicultural environment. You don’t need to be a perfect speaker. All you need is motivation and an open mind.

Maria :

Participating in Debate Exchange first of all was a unique opportunity to step out of my “worldview bubble” as it gave me the chance to hear the opinion and follow the way of reasoning of people who were influenced by different upbringing, culture, religion etc. I found this experience enriching due to the fact that the preparation for the debate (in my case the ethicality of eating meat) simply broadened my mind. I fully recommend this online exchange”

Mission Impossible. Poland – Lithuania, 2020

From 15th until 21st November, 2020 we implemented our hybrid Youth Exchange: Mission Impossible. The hybrid youth exchange took place online and offline at the same time. Some of participants gathered together in Poland and some gathered in Lithuania. Other joined online.

Thanks to our partners from Lithuania Stovykla „Draugai“ and the donors Jaunimo Reikalų Departamentas we gathered 20 young people from Lithuania and Poland, both on-line and off-line in Poznań; who spend 5 days exchanging ideas, experiences and having a lot of fun.

The participants had the chance to learn a little bit more about the concept of social business, to get the awareness of the social problems that both societies, Polish and Lithuanian, are facing nowadays; and to propose real solutions to those through their own social business projects.

Moreover, we had the chance to present our countries through creative presentations, music, legends and quizzes in our Lithuanian and Polish intercultural sessions.

Once again we would like to congratulate our participants for their commitment and amazing job and to our partners as well as donors for making it possible to implement such as amazing initiative, especially taking into account the current difficulties we are all facing.

a:pART project

Project a:pART will create collaborative audiovisual Art-Tandems between Ukrainian and German artists in the fields of music, performing and visual arts, spoken word, installation, video, dance. Each Ukrainian participant will get a pair of a German one (and other way around), so they could synergistically work in Tandem online for a month (15.10-15.11.2020). (more…)

When neighbours become friends. Poland-Lithuania, 2020

In August 2020, 8 young people from all around Poland have taken part in an innovative and interesting project, an exchange of cultures online with a Lithuanian partner.

The first day was mainly to get the participants more aware of the program and the common rules of the project, but it was the 'first contact' between the two groups, which was interesting to see.

The second day started with the Language exchanges that they would continue doing until the end of the project, a short and sweet way of learning some more about the language of the other group.

The third day was one of the first intercultural night, in which the Lithuanian side shared some valuable information about their country.

The most important activity during the 4th day was the one about the national fairytales, both teams taking a more modern approach regarding some very old tales.

The fifth day was marked by another presentation, this time the Poles presented their country and some valuable information.

The last two days were more about the City Challenge that was exhausting yet fun for everyone involved. Videos were created, great moments were shared between the groups and a final heartfelt goodbye on the last day from both groups with a promise of both groups meeting sometime down the line.

All in all, a great experience for the youngsters, filled with great achievements, laughs and unforgettable experiences!

By Celin Boldea