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a:pART project

Project a:pART will create collaborative audiovisual Art-Tandems between Ukrainian and German artists in the fields of music, performing and visual arts, spoken word, installation, video, dance. Each Ukrainian participant will get a pair of a German one (and other way around), so they could synergistically work in Tandem online for a month (15.10-15.11.2020). (more…)

Escape for human rights. Ukraine, Kyiv, 2017

What was it about?

Training course “Escape for human rights” happened in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 19-27 of October, 2017. This project was implemented by Logos (Ukraine) and Hea Hombre (Estonia) and funded by Estonian National Agency.

At this training course we gathered 24 young leaders and NGO activists working with youth, on 7 days long training course with the aim to provide them with knowledge and skills needed for creation of escape rooms which could be used as learning tools when working with young people.

At this training course we made human rights escape room in spheres of domestic violence, migration and life of people with limited abilities.

Following objectives were set for the project:

* To raise the level of key competences and skills needed to work with young people;

* To equip youth workers with tools and knowledge on how to organise escape rooms, which might be used in work with young people for various range of topics;

* To increase quality of youth workers and NGOs' approach when working with young people

* To create working tools which can be used in local communities;

* To improve education systems through the exchange of good practices and results;

* To show that working with youngsters can be done in various ways through providing participants with ideas and methods on non-standard approach to education and involvement of youngsters;

* To start a network of youth workers in Europe who are ready to do quest rooms on human rights by giving them an opportunity to practice this approach and creating a good atmosphere for connection between participants;

* To improve and strengthen relations between participating partners;

* To raise awareness of such human rights topics as domestic violence, migration and life of people with limited abilities.

How did it go?

At this training course we used escape room as an educational method for the first time. The training course was delivered by trainers Emir Shevkiiev and Marko Boyko. Our participants built 3 great escape rooms and we invited local people to come and play. At the open even (https://www.facebook.com/events/857055541121054/) we had around 30 guests, who had a chance to learn and play at the same time.

The rooms that participants built:

"On the run to safety"

On the run to safety is an escape room about human rights and the topic of migration, refugees and asylum seekers. The room is an educational room that aims at giving a fun and interactive experience to the players, and at the same time raise awareness of the situation of migration and refugees worldwide. On the run to safety gives the players a sense of understanding and feeling of how it is to be a refugee and asylum seeker, that has to flee their home in order to reach safety. The room is designed in a way that the players are asylum seekers, who are on the run to safety during the game. Exiting the room means they have reached safety.

If you would like to build similar room, you can find all the information about it here.

"Domestic violence: speak up"

This room is about the domestic violence and about the situations that people are facing in almost every country in the world. In this room you will have to understand what has happened to the family, which looked very happy at pictures.

If you would like to build similar room, you can find all the information about it here.

"Trust me"

Once you enter the room, you get to know that you are a police investigation team which was called by a mother of the girl who has been missing for 2 days, she didn’t come back home. Mother is very much worried about missing daughter. The only thing that mother has found is daughter’s phone, which is locked. Task of the team (players) is to find out what happened to the girl.

If you would like to build similar room, you can find all the information about it here.

Below you can directly access toolboxes on the rooms made by participants

Partners of the project

The project was implemented by Logos Ukraine (https://www.facebook.com/logosngo/) and Hea Hombre (https://www.facebook.com/heaaahombre/), but we had great partners supporting us with their contributions and members:

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Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim. Nam sit amet ante egestas, gravida tellus vitae, semper eros. Nullam mattis mi at metus egestas, in porttitor lectus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate laborum vero voluptatum. Lorem quasi aliquid maiores iusto suscipit perspiciatis a aspernatur et fuga repudiandae deleniti excepturi nesciunt animi reprehenderit similique sit. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui at laborum nulla quae quibusdam molestias earum suscipit dolorum debitis hic sint asperiores maxime deserunt neque explicabo molestiae autem totam illum? Maecenas semper aliquam massa. Praesent pharetra sem vitae nisi eleifend molestie. Aliquam molestie scelerisque ultricies. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus interdum risus at mi ullamcorper lobortis. In et metus aliquet, suscipit leo. Donec sed tincidunt lacus. Duis vehicula aliquam vestibulum. Aenean at mollis mi. Cras ac urna sed nisi auctor venenatis ut id sapien. Vivamus commodo lacus lorem, a tristique sapien tempus non. Donec fringilla cursus porttitor. Morbi quis massa id mi pellentesque placerat. Nam scelerisque sit amet diam id blandit. Nullam ultrices ligula at ligula tincidunt, sit amet aliquet mi pellentesque. Aenean eget fermentum risus. Aenean eu ultricies nulla, id bibendum libero. Vestibulum dui augue, malesuada nec tellus vel, egestas condimentum ipsum. Vestibulum ut. Integer semper quam turpis, id dapibus nunc ultrices at. Vestibulum eget orci lobortis, imperdiet diam a, ornare eros. Nam porttitor rutrum massa, eu varius velit facilisis at. Quisque porta elit et viverra suscipit. Proin laoreet, nisl et auctor mollis, felis sapien aliquet felis, nec facilisis tellus enim vitae enim. Nam rhoncus enim diam, a consequat nisi bibendum pulvinar. Donec aliquam lectus vitae ante pulvinar facilisis. Curabitur sed sem est.

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Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim. Nam sit amet ante egestas, gravida tellus vitae, semper eros. Nullam mattis mi at metus egestas, in porttitor lectus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate laborum vero voluptatum. Lorem quasi aliquid maiores iusto suscipit perspiciatis a aspernatur et fuga repudiandae deleniti excepturi nesciunt animi reprehenderit similique sit. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui at laborum nulla quae quibusdam molestias earum suscipit dolorum debitis hic sint asperiores maxime deserunt neque explicabo molestiae autem totam illum? Maecenas semper aliquam massa. Praesent pharetra sem vitae nisi eleifend molestie. Aliquam molestie scelerisque ultricies. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus interdum risus at mi ullamcorper lobortis. In et metus aliquet, suscipit leo. Donec sed tincidunt lacus. Duis vehicula aliquam vestibulum. Aenean at mollis mi. Cras ac urna sed nisi auctor venenatis ut id sapien. Vivamus commodo lacus lorem, a tristique sapien tempus non. Donec fringilla cursus porttitor. Morbi quis massa id mi pellentesque placerat. Nam scelerisque sit amet diam id blandit. Nullam ultrices ligula at ligula tincidunt, sit amet aliquet mi pellentesque. Aenean eget fermentum risus. Aenean eu ultricies nulla, id bibendum libero. Vestibulum dui augue, malesuada nec tellus vel, egestas condimentum ipsum. Vestibulum ut. Integer semper quam turpis, id dapibus nunc ultrices at. Vestibulum eget orci lobortis, imperdiet diam a, ornare eros. Nam porttitor rutrum massa, eu varius velit facilisis at. Quisque porta elit et viverra suscipit. Proin laoreet, nisl et auctor mollis, felis sapien aliquet felis, nec facilisis tellus enim vitae enim. Nam rhoncus enim diam, a consequat nisi bibendum pulvinar. Donec aliquam lectus vitae ante pulvinar facilisis. Curabitur sed sem est.

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Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim. Nam sit amet ante egestas, gravida tellus vitae, semper eros. Nullam mattis mi at metus egestas, in porttitor lectus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate laborum vero voluptatum. Lorem quasi aliquid maiores iusto suscipit perspiciatis a aspernatur et fuga repudiandae deleniti excepturi nesciunt animi reprehenderit similique sit. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui at laborum nulla quae quibusdam molestias earum suscipit dolorum debitis hic sint asperiores maxime deserunt neque explicabo molestiae autem totam illum? Maecenas semper aliquam massa. Praesent pharetra sem vitae nisi eleifend molestie. Aliquam molestie scelerisque ultricies. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus interdum risus at mi ullamcorper lobortis. In et metus aliquet, suscipit leo. Donec sed tincidunt lacus. Duis vehicula aliquam vestibulum. Aenean at mollis mi. Cras ac urna sed nisi auctor venenatis ut id sapien. Vivamus commodo lacus lorem, a tristique sapien tempus non. Donec fringilla cursus porttitor. Morbi quis massa id mi pellentesque placerat. Nam scelerisque sit amet diam id blandit. Nullam ultrices ligula at ligula tincidunt, sit amet aliquet mi pellentesque. Aenean eget fermentum risus. Aenean eu ultricies nulla, id bibendum libero. Vestibulum dui augue, malesuada nec tellus vel, egestas condimentum ipsum. Vestibulum ut. Integer semper quam turpis, id dapibus nunc ultrices at. Vestibulum eget orci lobortis, imperdiet diam a, ornare eros. Nam porttitor rutrum massa, eu varius velit facilisis at. Quisque porta elit et viverra suscipit. Proin laoreet, nisl et auctor mollis, felis sapien aliquet felis, nec facilisis tellus enim vitae enim. Nam rhoncus enim diam, a consequat nisi bibendum pulvinar. Donec aliquam lectus vitae ante pulvinar facilisis. Curabitur sed sem est.