
Critical Thinking. Information hygiene. Madaba, Jordan, 2019

Youth exchange “Critical thinking, informational hygiene.” was made in Madaba, Jordan from 15 till 24 of June 2019. This Youth exchange was supported by the Poland National Agency within Erasmus+ programme. This project was made within the Skepsis movement framework.

Together with young people from 6 countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Spain, Ukraine, Poland and Norway we were trying to become more critical about the information we consume.

Project had following objectives:

  • To increase understanding of how media and social networks affect our perception
  • To increase media literacy among the participants
  • To develop skills of critical thinking among participants
  • To create possible activities for the Skepsis movement
  • To find common ground and innovative ideas for future partnerships
  • To raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries

As a result of this project, participants created various tools for developing critical thinking and media literacy. Theses tools include workshop, videos, infographics, quest, etc. You can find them as well as other materials on critical thinking in the Skepsis movement open folder: