
Critical Power. Spain, Vilanova de Arousa, 2022

Critical Power. Spain, Vilanova de Arousa, 2022

The “Critical Power” training course, which was held in Vilanova de Arousa, Spain in March 2022, was part of the Erasmus+ program. It was conducted within the context of the Skepsis movement.

The “Critical Power” training course funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, brought together 20 youth workers from Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Belarus, Georgia, Greece, Malta, and Spain to develop critical thinking skills and information analysis techniques.

The course, taught using non-formal education methods by Veronika Kurkina, an expert in fake news, was made even more relevant by the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine and the accompanying propaganda and misinformation.

Through group work and discussions, participants were able to analyze propaganda, disinformation, and misinformation techniques and learn how to fact-check information.

Here you can find verified sources about the situation in Ukraine: https://war.ukraine.ua/support-ukraine/
Different ways how you can help Ukraine from any place of the world (not only financially): https://linktr.ee/ukraine_ua

Project was organised by Logos together with partners Arousa Moza and supported by Erasmus+  programme.

Participants of the project in international teams created 4 tools for critical thinking promotion among youngsters that are open for public, below you can find more information about it:

1. How to understand what biases and framing are and how they affect our processing.

3. How to understand the knowledge of forming arguments for a conversation with person who is misinformed.

2. How to recognize fake photos and media manipulations based on them.

4. How to understand the spectrum of opinion and use it during everyday life decisions.

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