Escape rooms for education: fair future without xenophobia. Poznan, Poland, 2021.
“Escape rooms for education: fair future without xenophobia” was a training course hosted and implemented by Logos. It happened on 21-28 of November 2021 in Poznan, Poland.

As the dissemination of the project we had an open event with around 50 guests, who played escape rooms, made by participants and learned about important human right issues.
Escape room №1.

Name of the room: Love makes a house a home
Short description: There are a lot of people all over the world who are experiencing domestic violence. Women, children, men, and others. But during pandemic times, this number rose even more. Thus, the project participants want to present an escape room that will help others see the problem closer than only from the statistics and numbers. In this game, you are supposed to be in the role of neighbors who have heard that something is going on in the house, and now they need to clarify what is happening while the husband is absent.

Name of the room: Independent speech
Short description: Violation of freedom of speech is one of today’s biggest problems. Almost nothing threatens to democracy more. And our participants understood this topic perfectly. They created an escape room where you can experience which difficulties journalists face when they want to tell others. With the help of this room, players will gain knowledge about the freedom of sharing information, about the right of a person to express their personal position and view without fear of consequences.

Name of the room: Birou de resedinte
Short description: Xenophobia is not something we hear about a lot. But actually, fear of foreign things is a widespread problem, even in the EU countries. Therefore, the main goal of the escape room, which participants wanted to deliver, is to show how xenophobia works in developed countries. And they nailed it. Open toolbox to know more details; we wouldn’t like to spoil the scenario:)

*With the help of the toolbox, you can fully reconstruct the escape room and spread the knowledge of human rights in your hometown. 

Thank all of you!
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