
This is the future: ideas in mind! Poznan, Poland, 2020

"This is the future: ideas in mind!" was a training course that took place in Poznan, Poland on 4-12 of January, 2020. This project was developed by Centrum financni gramotnosti and Logos and hosted by Logos Polska. The training course was made within Erasmus+ programme and funded by the Polish national agency.

Project aim:

Aim of the project was to empower people to expand job opportunities in their communities through transforming skills they improve during the TC.


  • To explain the sustainability and independence of social enterprises on real examples.
  • Implement creating a social enterprise as an alternative to NGO.
  • Transfer entrepreneurial skills such as budgeting, digital tools for promotion, business plan creation.
  • Make sure participants are able to transfer the skills to young people through various interactive methods.

Issues addressed:

  • Lack of professionalism /competencies in Social Entrepreneurship.
  • Unemployment
  • Slow (or non-existent) inclusion of people with fewer opportunities.
  • Social exclusion
  • Lack of youthworkers' skills like budgeting, fundraising and promoting via digital tools

Project results

During the project a ToolBox with business ideas for social entrepreneurship was developed and it is available below

ESC stories. Cihat in Poznan

Hello Logos Family;
First of all, I would like to thank that you made me a part of this family even if it’s a 6-months adventure. I've learned so much I can use at every moment of my life. It wasn’t difficult to adapt to Poland life and its culture for me, of course, thanks to Logos NGO 🙂

With a nice start, I've been to a kindergarten in Poznan together with other Turkish volunteers. We tried to introduce everything about Turkish culture to children.

One of my biggest tasks at Logo NGO was to conduct interviews. We were getting applications to participate in projects like training courses, youth exchange, seminar, etc.
I supported my team in the selection stage of participants for different projects by organizing skype interviews. I had an opportunity to participate in one of the projects like this as well. Thus, I went to Paris, France in order to attend to project called ''Hate Speech'. I have briefly expressed my experiences to you.

Once again I would like to thank the Logos family for the opportunity to have these beautiful experiences.


ESC stories. Banu’s adventures in Poznan

Hello dear my Logos family
I am Banu from Turkey. I had started my EVS adventure on the 19th of February. Last week, My amazing volunteering is finished. I've spent an amazing 6 months with Logos. Fist of all I have to say thank you to Marko Boyko who is my coordinator and all Logos Family. Thanks to them, I felt like I am at home all the time. Thanks to them, I joined a lot of youth activities, workshops, events during my EVS. Actually, I have so many people I wanna say "thanks" but before everyone else, I wanna say that "I was very lucky to have you guys" to my EVS friends who are Fatma, Ilyas, Dicle, Cihat, Abdülkadir, Merve, Ozan, and Berk.
My EVS experience has changed the perspective of my life. Currently, I am stronger than I just came to Poland. I will stay keep in touch with Logo's family for the rest of my life.
I exactly recommend you to join the Logos family. Now, this is your turn, join them and change your life.
XOXO Banu 🙂

Soft skills for group leaders. Poznan, Poland, 2019

About the project

Soft skills for group leaders was a training course held in Poznan, Poland between 4th and 12th of January 2019. This training course was hosted by Logos Polska, which created it together with TURKIYE AVRUPA VAKFI.

Soft skills enable people to effectively navigate their environment and at the same time work well with others. They help to perform well and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills. However, traditionally, people don't receive adequate soft skills training - either during vocational instruction or as part of on- the- job training. Ironically, for many people, the so-called soft skills are often some of the hardest skills to develop. Like hard skills, soft skills require a lot of practice to make a person really skilled at using them. Unlike hard skills, there are no exams to prove that you can do them. It is measured personally by how well a person manages the relationships with those around him/her.


  • To get  participants familiar with the current concept of soft skills, different groups of soft skills, and their importance in personal and career development
  • To develop  and  improve specific soft skills
  • To inspire the participants to promote  soft skills development among their colleagues,  youth target groups and other youth NGOs

Critical Thinking. Information hygiene. Poznan, Poland, 2018

Youth Exchange “Critical Thinking. Information hygiene” has been just finished. Good things always come to the end quickly. But let me share with you what I actually experienced: I gained lots of necessary information, met 32 enthusiastic and motivated people, learned some Hungarian, Slovakian and Czech, made good friends and created the new movement. How? Through the opportunity of international organization Visegrad Fund, which funded this YE.

This was an excellent chance for 32 youth people from Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary to come together and plunge into the issue of media literacy, cognitive biases, raise the awareness and understanding of our cultures and countries.

Day by day we deal with the very simple to more serious issues. Various creative workshops led us to better understand the media influence and its effect. We all learned about different biases and how actually biased all people are. It all happens unconsciously. By judging Abigail’s decisions, we understood that not always we see the situation as it is, and we only evaluate everything from one perspective. Through the debate time, we tested our abilities to persuade people. Discussion of the current media situation in our countries made us more aware of how careful we should be with the media.

The biggest day was actually the OPEN EVENT, which was a rewarding moment for the participants. This day we showed and shared about our work done during the training course. It was amazing teamwork which turned in an online game “Do YOU KNOW YOURSELF?”, which we played online and after discussed our results and gave a clear explanation on biases. The colourful leaflets and posters were created about critical thinking. Lots of work has been done to translate the information which we had into Polish, Slovakian and Hungarian languages. The video team impressed everyone with their own creation of the notion “Critical Thinking”.

We have learned a lot and succeeded in a REALLY good result. All these we achieved due to the good work of our trainers Marko Boyko and Anna Golovchenko, who were always there leading us the right direction. We are grateful to the NGO “Logos Polska” for providing us with such opportunity to take part in the Youth Exchange, for support in preparation for the project. Finally, good things are happening for a reason. This good reason turned out to be us! Thanks to all people who were involved here and the organisation which made this event happen: Logos Polska, Centrum finanční gramotnosti, SYTEV, EBI - Egyesület Békéscsaba Ifjúságáért.

Check the video from the project