
Critical thinking – healthy food for your mind. Beziers, France, 2019

Youth Exchange “Critical Thinking- Healthy Food For Your Mind” took place in France, Beziers on 14-22nd of October, 2019. We made  this youth exchange within the framework of the international Skepsis movement. Our dear partners from France -  Amitie Franco Russe Languedoc "AFR" hosted this project.

The project aimed to gather young people from 6 countries and let them work closely to increase the involvement of youth organisations in partnership projects in the youth field. Participants shared experiences, worked with non-formal tools to develop critical thinking and media literacy skills and ideas for future activities and projects in the youth field and within Skepsis movement.

A long term goal for the conference and for the movement is to raise participants awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries through reducing of the negative influence of disinformation and takes which produce hatred and can lead to the rise of intolerance and discrimination.

Project partners.

We implemented this project together with the group of partners from the EU and partner countries:

Logos Polska



Logos Ukraine


Logos Latvia

Logos NGO

Project results.

At the project participants learned about critical thinking and media literacy. As it was youth exchange they created their own educational materials on the topic. When working in groups they made some videos, memes, collages. All of these materials were later presented on a web-site made by one of the project participants - Vadym Havrylenko

The web-site is available at this link - https://cthffym.logos.ngo/ and we welcome you to check it out.

Carpathian stories. Lviv, Ukraine, 2019

Project description

The Youth exchange Carpathian Stories brought 30 participants from 6 different countries  - Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Belarus, Russia and Poland, together to explore the beauty, diversity and fragility of the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains over a period of 15 days. This project took place outdoors with participants hiking in the Carpathians, staying in tents and cooking food on the fire.

Project engaged participants with important themes of environmental awareness and sustainability equipped them with skills in digital media literacy and provided an intercultural exchange in an outdoor setting using nonformal learning and experiential education.

The aim of the project was to foster intercultural understanding by collecting stories based on our outdoor experience and exploring different ways of telling our own stories.

Project objectives:

  • To learn about the cultures of countries involved in the project
  • To explore the Carpathian region’s culture and traditions
  • To explore different forms of storytelling
  • To create stories during the project which could be later brought to other people and communities
  • To go for an outdoor expedition and learn about hiking

Project outputs:

At the project participants created various stories through different means of storytelling. Logos member Vadym Havrylenko created a web-site of the project, where it is possible to find all the stories made by participants and learn about the project. Check the web-site at https://carpatianstories.logos.ngo/

Below you can see some of the outputs of the project created by participants.

Project partners

"Carpathian stories" Youth exchange was hosted by Logos Ukraine and funded by the German national agency within the Erasmus+ programme. This project was implemented by a consortium of organisations:

  • Germany - Grüner Grashalm e.V.
  • Ukraine - Logos znannya
  • Spain - Arousa moza
  • Belarus - Karas
  • Poland - Logos Polska
  • Russia - INTERRA

Project chronicles

Spaceship to a creative Europe. Orvelte, Netherlands, 2019

About the project

Spaceship to a creative Europe was a Youth exchange that was held in Orvelte, The Netherlands on 5-12 of August 2019. This project was devoted to the development of creative thinking and was hosted by CAAT projects and created by a group of partners including Logos.


  • Raise self, cultural and ethnic awareness through non-formal educational methods and peer education
  • Develop the key competencies and skills of self-reflection among the participants
  • Boost creativity skill and encourage its usage in everyday situations, as well as in solving common and global problems
  • Optimize the effectiveness and creativeness using a competency-based approach
  • Reinforce understanding and interest in other cultures and their views, concepts and peculiarities through intercultural learning
  • Promote positive and respectful attitudes toward various cultures, people and their uniqueness

Below you can see how the project happened

Carpathian explore. Lviv, Ukraine, 2019

About the project

Youth Exchange “Carpathian Explore” brought 35 participants from 7 different countries together to share each country’s culture, cuisine and nature while exploring the nature and culture of the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains over a period of 8 days. It took place on 16-23 of July 2019 in Lviv and nearby Carpathian mountains. The project was hosted by Logos Ukraine.


Organizations shared the same need of involving participants more in their work for a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly society and saw that many young people lacked the understanding of the importance of taking care of nature. Through experience with being in nature, meeting people living close to nature every day and having a better understanding about tradition life, we as organizations believe it could help to meet these needs among the young people.

Aim and objectives

Aim of the project was for participants to learn more about each others cultures, traditions, cuisine and nature through outdoor experience. We set following objectives for the project :
- to promote intercultural exchange and awareness, and connect young people from differing national, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
-To learn about different European cultures, cuisine and nature
-To promote sustainable and ecological lifestyle
-To encourage active citizenship through learning about problems and challenges in different countries
-To fight negative stereotypes about various cultures
-To discuss the needs, problems and interests of young people from different cultures

We achieved these objectives by using non-formal learning methods, involving participants in planning, implementing and evaluation stages of the project.

Project partners

This youth exchange was initiated by Logos and Shokkin Group Norge and was funded by the Norwegian national agency within Erasmus+ programme. It was implemented by 7 partner organisations

Logos NGO

Supported by:

Get yourself empowered. Groningen, Netherlands, 2019

About the project
"Get yourself empowered" was a Youth exchange held in the city of Groningen, the Netherlands during the period of 23rd of June – 1st of July, 2019. This YE brought together 30 participants from Spain, Latvia, Poland, Greece, Romania and The Netherlands. This was the first youth exchange to be hosted by Logos Netherlands

Being millennials, we are raised in this society where social media, internet-of-things and innovative technologies are very important in our daily lives. How does this actually affect us and how are we dealing with it?
We are used to the fact that we can Google everything, which makes information easily accessible. But is all of this information honest and trustworthy? The availability of information and our fast-growing society puts also pressure on us to perform. On the one hand: this allows us to grow, which is great. On the other hand: how do we deal with this pressure?
During the exchange we focused on answering this question by providing participants with a ‘mental’ toolkit, and experiencing the topic from different viewpoints with the ultimate goal of empowering ourselves and the people around us.

Project Aim

We equipped youth between 20-30 years with tools to empower themselves on critical thinking and mental health. This resulted in more aware and knowledgeable youngsters
which went home with tools and ideas on critical thinking and mental health. They can apply these tools in their daily life and local organizations

Project objectives

- To introduce the topic of mental health
- To understand the power of critical thinking
- To recognize fake news and false information
- To equip participants with a set of practical tools to deploy critical thinking and mindfulness
- To test different mind growth techniques, such as yoga / pilates, mindfulness, bodymind connection, clean listening, meditation, sports, expressing emotions, and many more.
- To promote mental health and the use of positive psychology
- To learn from each other’s cultures
- To have fun!

Check this video from the project:

Critical Thinking. Information hygiene. Madaba, Jordan, 2019

Youth exchange “Critical thinking, informational hygiene.” was made in Madaba, Jordan from 15 till 24 of June 2019. This Youth exchange was supported by the Poland National Agency within Erasmus+ programme. This project was made within the Skepsis movement framework.

Together with young people from 6 countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Spain, Ukraine, Poland and Norway we were trying to become more critical about the information we consume.

Project had following objectives:

  • To increase understanding of how media and social networks affect our perception
  • To increase media literacy among the participants
  • To develop skills of critical thinking among participants
  • To create possible activities for the Skepsis movement
  • To find common ground and innovative ideas for future partnerships
  • To raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries

As a result of this project, participants created various tools for developing critical thinking and media literacy. Theses tools include workshop, videos, infographics, quest, etc. You can find them as well as other materials on critical thinking in the Skepsis movement open folder:


Critical thinking Youth FORCE. Riga, Latvia, 2019

About the project

Critical thinking Youth Force was a Youth exchange that was hosted by Logos Latvia between 25th of April and 3rd of May 2019. This project was supported by the Latvian national agency as part of Erasmus+ programme and made within Skepsis movement framework. At this project we had 30 young people from Poland, Latvia, Czechia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia.

Our aim
We aimed to share with all participants the initial idea of the Skepsis movement, and give them an opportunity to be part of it through developing various materials connected to topics of critical thinking and media literacy.

We had the following objectives:

  • To increase understanding of how media and social networks affect our perception;
  • To increase media literacy among the participants;
  • To develop skills of critical thinking among participants;
  • To create the possible activities for the Skepsis movement devoted to the critical thinking and media literacy;
  • To find common ground and innovative ideas for future partnership working using the skills and knowledge of people from diverse backgrounds;
  • To develop future projects on the topic;
  • To raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries;
  • To create a comics book.

Project results

At the project participants worked in several groups creating various materials connected with critical thinking. We presented these materials at the open event that took place in Riga in Bambus office. Below you can see the results of their work:

Brochure with basic information about critical thinking

Critical thinking promotion handbook

Debate activity

City quest

Video comics

Music video

Project partners

Logos Poland and Latvia

Modern Youth Academy

Institute of Youth power

Asociate Tom CR, Tom 21105 Dumanci


Creative spaceship. Ceuta, Spain, 2018

Creativity is one the most valued and essential skills in the modern world. This Youth Exchange was for youngsters who have interest in creative process, spirit of curiosity and desire to explore. For many people learning creativity can be very challenging.

The project aimed to create comfortable conditions where everybody will have an opportunity to develop their creativity. To achieve this, from the very beginning all the participants were involved in a project-long role play where everybody is a crew member of a spaceship.

The project took place in Ceuta, Spain between 2nd and 9th of November 2018.

Project objectives:

  • Implement a number of studies and join training to assist local authorities on matters of public interest
  • To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among public
  • To encourage public participation and strengthening links between local groups, schools, businesses and municipal authorities,
  • To ensure including, accepting and encouraging environment for youth with disabilities.
  • To counteract negative social phenomena, spreading in a youth environment, such as crime, aggression, addiction, prostitution, xenophobia and others
  • To work for action and measures to restore and improve the quality of the environment.

The project was hosted by association K'MON and implemented by following organisations:

  • Logos Polska - Poland
  • Cross Culture International Foundation Cyprus Ltd - Cyprus
  • Asociacija Aktyvus Jaunimas - Lithuania
  • Evropske Centrum Mladeze Breclav - Czech Republic

Critical Thinking. Information hygiene. Poznan, Poland, 2018

Youth Exchange “Critical Thinking. Information hygiene” has been just finished. Good things always come to the end quickly. But let me share with you what I actually experienced: I gained lots of necessary information, met 32 enthusiastic and motivated people, learned some Hungarian, Slovakian and Czech, made good friends and created the new movement. How? Through the opportunity of international organization Visegrad Fund, which funded this YE.

This was an excellent chance for 32 youth people from Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary to come together and plunge into the issue of media literacy, cognitive biases, raise the awareness and understanding of our cultures and countries.

Day by day we deal with the very simple to more serious issues. Various creative workshops led us to better understand the media influence and its effect. We all learned about different biases and how actually biased all people are. It all happens unconsciously. By judging Abigail’s decisions, we understood that not always we see the situation as it is, and we only evaluate everything from one perspective. Through the debate time, we tested our abilities to persuade people. Discussion of the current media situation in our countries made us more aware of how careful we should be with the media.

The biggest day was actually the OPEN EVENT, which was a rewarding moment for the participants. This day we showed and shared about our work done during the training course. It was amazing teamwork which turned in an online game “Do YOU KNOW YOURSELF?”, which we played online and after discussed our results and gave a clear explanation on biases. The colourful leaflets and posters were created about critical thinking. Lots of work has been done to translate the information which we had into Polish, Slovakian and Hungarian languages. The video team impressed everyone with their own creation of the notion “Critical Thinking”.

We have learned a lot and succeeded in a REALLY good result. All these we achieved due to the good work of our trainers Marko Boyko and Anna Golovchenko, who were always there leading us the right direction. We are grateful to the NGO “Logos Polska” for providing us with such opportunity to take part in the Youth Exchange, for support in preparation for the project. Finally, good things are happening for a reason. This good reason turned out to be us! Thanks to all people who were involved here and the organisation which made this event happen: Logos Polska, Centrum finanční gramotnosti, SYTEV, EBI - Egyesület Békéscsaba Ifjúságáért.

Check the video from the project

Carpathia Lab. Lviv, Ukraine, 2018

The Youth exchange Carpathia.lab brought 32 participants from 6 different countries together to explore the beauty, diversity and fragility of the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains over a period of 14 days. The stunning scenery and the cultural diversity of the Ukrainian Carpathians is one of Europe’s best-kept secrets.

During the project, participants
• Explored the Ukrainian Carpathian mountain wilderness and engage with the human impact on this environment.
• Participated in a range of workshops on up-cycling and sustainable practices.
• Were part of an international team from Ukraine, Germany, Greece Georgia, Russia and Poland
• Developed initiatives for participant-led follow-up projects in their communities

Project was hosted by Logos Ukraine in Carpathia mountains and city of Lviv. At the same time it was developed by a consortium of organisations:

  • Germany - Grüner Grashalm e.V.
  • Ukraine - Logos znannya
  • Georgia - Citrus
  • Greece - Votsis Youth in Action Club
  • Poland - Logos Polska
  • Russia - INTERRA