
Tag - Human rights

Unbox inclusion. Poland, Poznan, 2022.

“Unbox Inclusion” was a training course hosted and implemented by Logos. It happened from 28 of November to 6 of December in Poznan, Poland.

During the 9 inspiring days we managed to learn more about minorities and human rights in general, as well as build our own Escape Boxes! But, let’s start from the beginning..

On the first intense, but exciting day we got to know each other better, introduced the schedule of the next days and learned more about Logos. Then, we had a full day dedicated to human rights and minorities, which was highlighted by the visit to “Niewidzialna Ulica”, a social enterprise that is showing the life of people with visual disabilities. The next day we visited escape rooms and played escape boxes to understand the mechanics of the game and get some inspiration for the next, busy days. The last days were devoted to the theory of Escape boxes, and building our own games.

Needless to say, we managed to create 4 escape boxes, which we tested and presented at our open event, which was visited by more than 50 people!

Escape box №1.

Topic: Sexual Minorities

Name of the room: Adam is missing

Short description: The box aims to raise awareness about the dangers people from LGBTQI+ minority face and make people more empathic. The box is telling a story of Adam- a boy who decided to leave the country because of the discrimination he faced. While playing the box you will see what problems he faced, and learn more about the situation in different countries.

Link to the toolbox: Adam is missing

Escape box №2.

Topic: Ethnic Minority, Financial Literacy

Name of the room: Testament

Short description: So many of us don’t know how to deal with money, so though the game the players will develop financial literacy skills– basics how to handle money in a reasonable way. It is important to make people aware of their financial situation and to make them start to think about their money. All of this, while learning the story of a Roma family struggling with their financial situation! 

Link to the toolbox: Testament

Escape box №3.

Topic: Disabilities

Name of the room: Mission Impossible

Short description: In our daily life we don’t think about the life of people with disabilities, but we certainly should! This box is aiming to raise awareness of the difficulties that people with disabilities have in their daily lives. During the game you will have to use all the senses to solve the puzzles, just like a person with disabilities that lacks one of them have to compensate with others in their daily lives. 

Link to the toolbox: Mission impossible

Escape box №4.

Topic: Domestic Violence

Name of the room: Bad Boy

Short description: Many tragedies go unnoticed and we tend to judge people without knowing their story. Through the game we want to raise awareness about domestic violence and familiarise the international sign of domestic violence. The box aims to start a discussion on how we can solve the problems and show that these things are happening in real life

Link to the toolbox: Bad boy

*With the help of the toolboxes, you can fully reconstruct the escape room and spread the knowledge of human rights in your hometown.


Special thanks we want to say to our great partners: 


And also Visegrad Fund for the funding and support of this Training Course.


Thank all of you!

Learn with Logos, learning is fun!

Grow. Improve. Volunteer. Poznan, Poland, 2022

“Grow. Improve. Volunteer.” is an international training course that was implemented in Poznan from 13th of November till 20th of November.

📚At this training course NGO members, activists and volunteers learned more about humanitarian principles and volunteering work.

🔍During 6 days of collective work, the participants learned about the better ways to respond to challenges and problems, collected useful tools, methods and practices for working with refugees and shared their volunteer experiences.

✍️One of the main goals of the training was to create a space for discussion and finding solutions on how to better and more professionally prepare for possible future waves of Ukrainian refugees that may come in the winter.

🧳During the training course participants had study visits to local organizations in Poznan that are also working with refugees and minority groups (Centrum Integracji Cudzoziemców w Poznaniu, BARKA, Migrant Info Point). Group also visited the reception point for refugees in Poznan, where the participants were able to get acquainted with the specifics of volunteer work from the inside and adopt some ideas of how the help and activities for refugees are organized.

📝By the end of the training course participants created a volunteering tool kit. This material is the quintessence of the knowledge gained at the training and the ideas that came during the exchange of volunteering experience between participants. You can check this material here.

This project was organized by Logos NGO in partnership with ActionAid.


Puzzle of Diversity. Ceuta, Spain, 2022

"Puzzle of Diversity" is an training course about escape rooms that was held in Ceuta, Spain in November 2022. 

It's been 4 years since we've returned to Ceuta with our innovative escape rooms. Ceuta is a unique autonomous city in Spain, located in Africa, and the distance is not a hindrance for us.

During an exciting week, the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other, visit various escape rooms, explore the city, and learn about the theory of puzzles.

Working together, they created three educational escape rooms on important social issues, including cyberbullying, inequality, and migrants' rights.

To showcase their hard work, an open event was held, and locals were invited to play the games and learn more about human rights.

This project was implemented by Logos with support of Erasmus+  programme.

Role Play: Your Way Towards Understanding. Kolin, Czech Republic, 2022.

The "Role Play: Your Way Towards Understanding" training course is being held in Kolin, Czech Republic.

The goal of the program is to increase awareness about human rights through the use of role play.

Throughout the week, participants shared their knowledge on human rights and violations of those rights in their respective countries, providing real life examples and stories. The group made tough decisions about characters with different backgrounds and perspectives and worked to challenge prejudices and see stories from different viewpoints.

A game about critical thinking taught the participants the importance of evaluating information, data, and news from reliable sources, and to question how information is shared and presented. The group learned that it's necessary to investigate and reach transparent pieces of information to make informed decisions.

Overall, the "Role Play: Your Way Towards Understanding" training course is a unique and impactful way to raise awareness about human rights, encouraging participants to think critically, challenge prejudices, and see different perspectives.

I want to break free. Beziers, France, 2021

"I want to break free" was an international training course where youth workers, youth leaders and NGO activists learned how to build escape rooms for educational purposes.
To practice received knowledge we build 3 escape rooms on topics of cyberbullying, gender inequality and minorities rights.
📲 The room about cyberbullying - "Cybertrouble" tells a story of a girl who has been receiving some aggressive messages recently. You will need to follow her Instagram and find out where has she gone
👩‍🏫When entering the room about gender inequality "Not woman" you will be placed in a house of an Afghani woman, who was working as a teacher and now needs to flee her country. You will find out difficulties she faced and learn about human rights violations in Afghanistan
🌈 The room "Love is love" tells the story of Jean-Luc through his diary. You will get to know which difficulties he went through and will understand the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ community
We made an open event where we together with some locals played escape rooms built by participants. To promote it we made online event - https://www.facebook.com/events/870358100506660/
All escape rooms have now been disassembled but information about them is available at our Google Drive - https://drive.google.com/.../1znTD2b2...
If you want to build similar escape rooms, you will find there toolboxes with detailed descriptions of stories, puzzles and all needed information to build them.
This project was organised by Logos in partnership with Amitie Franco Russe Languedoc with the support of Erasmus+ programme and French national agency Agence Erasmus+ France Jeunesse & Sport Service Civique

iFeel – iDefend. Ceuta, Spain, 2018

About the project

"iFeel - iDefend" was a training course that took place in Ceuta, Spain on 24-31 of October, 2018.

At this training course we gathered youth workers and thought them about the techniques and tools of LARP games based on human rights issues. With our training course, we aimed to raise awareness about Human rights in spheres of stereotypes and critical thinking through making Human rights LARP games, as well as understanding how to use LARP games as a learning tool in order to create similar projects on Human rights back at local communities.

LARP toolboxes created
Number of participants
Partner countries

Project objectives:

  • To share and spread the ideas of human rights protection
  • To provide youth workers with tools and techniques on how to organize LARP games, which will broaden the horizons of the issue of human rights protection among greater amount of people.
  • To show that dealing with human rights can be done in various ways through providing participants with ideas and methods on non-standard approach to human rights education.
  • To build up working tools which can be used in local communities.
  • To start a network of youth workers in Europe who are ready to do LARP on human rights by giving them an opportunity to practice this approach and creating a good atmosphere for connection between participants.
  • To bring the understanding of nowadays problems in the human rights area through giving examples, ideas and theoretical knowledge during the project
  • To raise awareness of such human rights topics as stereotypes and critical thinking.


One of the project results was creation of toolboxes which will let anyone to recreate the games made by participants. If you want to make a similar LARP game and have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us logos@logos.ngo


The project was developed by Logos together with K'MON, which hosted it in Ceuta, Spain. This project was funded by the Spanish national agency and implemented within the Erasmus+ programme. We implemented this project together with our partners:

Memories from the project

Escape for reality. Vilagarcia, Spain, 2018

What was it about?

Training course “Escape for reality” happened in Vilagarcia, Spain, on 17-25 of February, 2018. This project was implemented by Logos and Arousa Moza (Spain) and funded by Spanish National Agency.

At this training course we gathered 24 young leaders and NGO activists working with youth, on 7 days long training course with the aim to provide them with knowledge and skills needed for creation of escape rooms which could be used as learning tools when working with young people.

At this training course we made human rights escape room in spheres of discrimination of people based on cultural, ethnic and religion background (migrants and refugees) and limited abilities.

Following objectives were set for the project:

  • Spread ideas of human rights protection
  • Provide youth workers with tools and knowledge on how to organize escape rooms, which will bring ideas of human rights protection to greater amount of people
  • Show that dealing with human rights can be done in various ways through providing participants with ideas and methods on non-standard approach to human rights education
  • To create working tools which can be used in local communities
  • Start a network of youth workers in Europe who are ready to do quest rooms on human rights by giving them an opportunity to practice this approach and creating a good atmosphere for connection between
  • Bring understanding of nowadays problems in human rights area through giving examples, ideas and theoretical knowledge during the project
  • To raise awareness of such human rights topics as
    migration and life of people with limited abilities

How did it go?

This was third time when we used escape rooms for education. The training course was delivered by trainers Emir Shevkiiev and Marko Boyko. Our participants built 3 great escape rooms and we invited local people to come and play. At the open even we had around 30 guests, who had a chance to learn and play at the same time.

The rooms that participants built:

"aMAZEing Humans"

An alien race wants our earth. For colonization. But.. they have some sort of morality, so they will not invade us if we prove ourselves worthy. That means intelligent, kind, empathic and strong. So they will TEST us. Four to six people will start the test with their hands tighten, in a room. Fortunately, the aliens decided to make a time loop and test multiple persons in the same time, and the same place. Some of the previous successfully tested humans managed somehow to send us some information, written on a newspaper from the near future. And the game begins.


Amnesia ER gives the players a sense of feeling and understanding that phenomenon of amnesia can relate to everyone in different ways (car accident, disease, traumatic experience ec.). A person suffering from amnesia is extremely vulnerable and exposed to the most horrifying criminal activities like
trafficking, torture, organs trade or murder. The room is designed in a way that the players who wake up inside of a room in a psychiatric hospital, discover their personal stories interlinked with amnesia cases must escape the room before those criminals will do the worst.

"Family reunion"

At the beginning of the game we introduce our players to the storyline of the room:
“ You have managed to run away from your country, which is in a state of war, and you have reached Spain. After a long procedure you have finally found a job in a clothes factory. But, unfortunately, your boss is a bad person and forced you to work as slaves and has locked you in the factory building. Part of your family has managed to escape from this horrible place and has also left the country. You need to follow the clues they left behind to find out where they are and go to read them.”

Below you can directly access toolboxes on the rooms made by participants

In each "toolbox" you can find following information:

  • Explanation of what is the room about
  • Description of storyline and puzzles
  • Plan of the room
  • Pictures of the room

If you want to build a similar room, but have some questions, don't hesitate to write us logos@logos.ngo

Partners of the project

The project was implemented by Logos and Arousa Moza, but we had great partners supporting us with their contributions and members:

  • Greece - Hellenic Youth Participation
  • Germany - Gruner Grashalm Ev
  • Latvia - Logos Latvija
  • Italy - Euro Sud
  • Romania - Asociatia Pentru Dezvoltare Activa
  • Malta - Terra Di Mezzo TDM 2000 Malta

Escape for human rights: Few m2 of different reality. Potenza, Italy, 2017

What was it about?

Training course “Escape for human rights: few m2 of different reality” happened in Potenza, Italy, on 12-20 of December, 2017. This project was implemented by Logos (Poland) and Euro-net (Italy) and funded by Italian National Agency.

At this training course we gathered 24 young leaders and NGO activists working with youth, on 7 days long training course with the aim to provide them with knowledge and skills needed for creation of escape rooms which could be used as learning tools when working with young people.

At this training course we made human rights escape room in spheres of discrimination, children rights and domestic violence

Following objectives were set for the project:

  • Spread ideas of human rights protection
  • Provide youth workers with tools and knowledge on how to organize escape rooms, which will bring ideas of human rights promotions to greater amount of people
  • Show that dealing with human rights can be done in various ways through providing participants with ideas and methods on non-standard approach to human rights education
  • To create working tools which can be used in local communities
  • Start a network of youth workers in Europe who are ready to do quest rooms on human rights by giving them an opportunity to practice this approach and creating a good atmosphere for connection between participants
  • Bring understanding of nowadays problems in human rights area through giving examples, ideas and theoretical knowledge during the project
  • To raise awareness of such human rights topics as gender discrimination, children rights and domestic violence

How did it go?

The training course was delivered by trainers Marko Boyko and Iryna Sytnik. Our participants built 3 great escape rooms and we invited local people to come and play. At the open even we had around 30 guests, who had a chance to learn and play at the same time.

Check the video from this project made by one of our participants -  Marta Pop

Partners of the project

The project was implemented by Logos Polska (https://www.facebook.com/logosngo/) and Euro-net  (https://www.facebook.com/euro.net.31) , and we had great partners supporting us with their contributions and members:

  • Romania - Asociatia Clubul pentru Protectia Naturii si Turism Brasov
  • Cyprus - PlanBe, Plan it Be it
  • Latvia - Varaviksnes Tilts