
Shared Spaces: Co- creating inclusive enviroments for migrants and local communities

Shared Spaces is a project funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ program: KA210 – Small Scale Partnerships for Youth. Project number: 2023-1-SE02-KA210-YOU-000160073

The project is implemented in cooperation with Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Project information:

Shared Spaces: Co- creating inclusive enviroments for migrants and local communities

Shared Spaces recognizes the challenges that young migrants face when trying to integrate themselves into the host society and the critical role community-based organizations play in promoting youth participation and commitment to local activities. The project aims to bring solutions and support to fostering a sense of belonging among youth from diverse backgrounds in the local community through activities and events.

The initial phase of our project was dedicated to comprehensive research aimed at understanding the complexities of the issues and the specific needs of our target groups. This involved conducting focus groups with young migrants and educators, distributing surveys to gather insights from young people, and interviewing youth workers aligned with our project’s objectives.

By clicking on the "Polish National Index" button you can get acquainted in detail with the results of the research carried out in Poland as part of the project.

Training Course "SHARED SPACES"

We are excited to announce the successful completion of the training course "SHARED SPACES", which took place in Orrefors, Sweden, from May 24th to June 1st. It was a fantastic time filled with learning and collaboration.

This project is part of KA210 – Small Scale Partnerships for Youth. The project is implemented in cooperation with Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Highlights from the training course:

Training Participants
We helped 24 participants to improve their skills in community engagement, intercultural communication, non-formal education, and building solidarity between diverse communities.

Creating New Methods
Participants worked together to create new methods and services for community engagement. These ideas were tested in partner NGOs to see how effective they were in real life.

Sharing Experiences
We shared best practices and research results from four countries. This inspired participants to implement new ideas in their own communities.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this training a success! Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities to join our projects!

Photo from the Training Course "SHARED SPACES"

Access2Success: Digital Pathways for Adult Learners, Migrants, and Refugees

Access2Success is a project funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ program: Key Action 2. Project number: 2023-1-SE01-KA210-ADU-000160557

The project is implemented in cooperation with Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Project information:

Access2Success: Digital Pathways for Adult Learners, Migrants, and Refugees

The Access2Success project seeks to analyze the impact of the digital divide existing among the migrant adult population or those with a migratory background. The project's mission is to empower people from diverse backgrounds with essential tools to promote digital skills, encourage digital literacy and open debate around concepts such as digital citizenship.

The initial phase of our project was dedicated to comprehensive research aimed at understanding the complexities of the issues and the specific needs of our target groups: adult learners, migrants and refugees. This involved conducting focus groups, distributing surveys, and interviewing associations aligned with our project’s objectives.

By clicking on the "Polish National Index" button you can get acquainted in detail with the results of the research carried out in Poland as part of the project.

Training Course "Access2Success"

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the "ACCESS2SUCCESS Training Course," which took place in Orrefors, Sweden, from June 3rd to June 11th. This training course was an important element in the ACCESS2SUCCESS project, which is small-scale Partnerships for Adults, сo-funded by the European Union, and was run in collaboration with organizations Goodness of People (Sweden), CGE (Germany) and Fedelatina (Spain).

Highlights from the training course:

Empowering Participants
We helped participants improve their skills and knowledge in digital competences, making them better equipped to provide educational services.

Developing Innovative Tools
Participants worked together to create practical educational tools, which were tested and implemented in partner organizations.

Exploring AI and Society
The course explored how AI affects societies, helping participants understand this technology and its impact on democracy.

Combating Disinformation
Participants learned effective ways to improve digital safety, enhance information literacy, and fight disinformation and fake news.

We are excited about the positive impact this training course had on the participants and their communities. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this training a success! Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities to join our projects!

“Post Truth? Countering disinformation narratives”. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2023.

”Post Truth? Countering Disinformation Narratives” is a transdisciplinary collaborative program aimed at addressing the issue of disinformation and fake news in the “post-truth era”.

Through artistic expressions and collaborative engagement, the project  challenges the surface of things and question the narratives we are told. By generating discussions, fostering empathy, and promoting a sense of community, the project hopes to contribute to building a more informed and resilient society that can withstand the impact of disinformation and manipulation.

During 8 days, 8 selected Ukrainian artists explored the topic of post truth from different perspectives, focusing on the growing problem of disinformation and fake news and how it could be countered through critical thinking, media literacy and other artistic strategies.

This process was led by the artist and curator Seila Fernández Arconada who designed and delivered a hybrid experimental program. The local coordinator Veronika Kurkina in support of her team in Logos Ukraine (Viktoriia Nuzhdova , Emir Shevkiev) took care of logistics providing a safe and comfortable working environment.

This hybrid program merged a training course with a residency, a space to create artistic responses from the collective experience. We had the honor to have invited researchers from different disciplines: Mykhailo Koltsov, Bogdan Bondarchuk, Alessandro Rolandi, Txaro Arrazola and Bernard Fairhurst.

A number of experiential and experimental collaborative activities happened during the days of project, including a collective engaged dialogue with the Dnipro river. The collaborative process enabled ideas to be materialized in the final presentation where the artists created some artworks presented as a multidisciplinary installation in the Art Space «Вежа» located at The National Technical University of Ukraine in Kyiv.

This project has been organized by Lernlabor in partnership with Logos Ukraine and financed by the @auswaertigesamt and #civilsocietycooperation

More info: www.posttruthproject.net

Artists of the project:

Vartan Markarian
Roksolana Dudka
Mikhail Ray
Gennadiy Che
Karina Synytsia
Fedir Khorkov
Bohdana Zaiats
Anna Kravchenko

Power and Solidarity. Ceuta, Spain, 2023.

The "Power and Solidarity" training course took place in Ceuta, Spain, in March 2023.

Youth workers from nine different countries, including Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Spain, gathered in for the "Power and Solidarity" training course, which was fully funded by Erasmus+ programme.

The participants engaged in non-formal education workshops to acquire essential skills, such as setting SMART goals, conducting SWOT analysis, managing risks, resolving conflicts, and scaling up projects. Through their newfound knowledge, they collaborated in international teams to generate innovative ideas for Solidarity projects. Participants also gained familiarity with the European Youth Portal and created six application forms that have the potential to receive grants and create positive change in their local communities.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the partners involved and the hosting organization, K'MON.

On the following link you can find the information on how to implement a Solidarity project: https://cutt.ly/p8HZrA9.

Youth Work Eco System. Andalusia, Spain, 2023.

In January 2023, the "Youth Work Eco System" conference took place in the enchanting Alpujarra region of Andalusia, Spain, bringing together 35 professionals from the European youth sector and beyond.

The conference aimed to foster collaboration, share experiences, pilot new practices, and explore new approaches relevant to the European youth work field.

Despite the challenges faced by everyone in the previous year, the conference provided a much-needed opportunity for contribution, interaction, and human connection. Moving forward, the positive energy generated by the conference will be used to embrace the challenges and opportunities of 2023.

Conference was organized and implemented together with amaizing partners K'MON and Lernlabor

The "Youth Work Eco System" project was made possible through co-funding from the European Union.

Puzzle of Diversity. Ceuta, Spain, 2022

"Puzzle of Diversity" is an training course about escape rooms that was held in Ceuta, Spain in November 2022. 

It's been 4 years since we've returned to Ceuta with our innovative escape rooms. Ceuta is a unique autonomous city in Spain, located in Africa, and the distance is not a hindrance for us.

During an exciting week, the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other, visit various escape rooms, explore the city, and learn about the theory of puzzles.

Working together, they created three educational escape rooms on important social issues, including cyberbullying, inequality, and migrants' rights.

To showcase their hard work, an open event was held, and locals were invited to play the games and learn more about human rights.

This project was implemented by Logos with support of Erasmus+  programme.

Solidarity power. France, Languedoc, 2022

 “Solidarity power” was a training course that happened from 28 of October to 5 of November in a place Languedoc in France.

🌍Participants from France, Poland, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Croatia, Italy and Portugal gathered together for one week in a nice castle Château de St Aunay to get a unique experience and to learn new things.

🧐The main aim of the training course was to give to participants knowledge and skills on how to support young people to initiate, develop, apply for, implement and follow up on ESC Solidarity Projects.

During a week participants got acquainted with such aspects of project management as budgeting, communication, team-work, project executing, monitoring, risk management, and reporting in the best way possible through examples and discussions. 

Also participants developed their coaching skills needed to coach Solidarity Projects made by young people. In the frame of coaching sessions participants worked on a goal-setting, which gave them an overview of life and steps for realizing plans. 

✍️Large part of the training time was devoted to practice in developing drafts of application forms for Solidarity Projects. Participants worked on developing a project starting from the beginning, so from the designing and trying to go to all its stages and creating the ESC application form. 

This experience for participants was not only about learning more about the ESC Project. It was a great opportunity to discover new cultures, learn more about beautiful countries, meet incredible people and discover something new about yourself.

One of the results of the training course was a guide developed by participants about the Solidarity Projects. This guide covers such topics:

  • What is a Solidarity Project
  • Project management tools
  • Coaching information and tools

The guide is available here

🤝This project was organized by Logos NGO in partnership with organization AMITIE FRANCO RUSSE LANGUEDOC “AFR”.

Skepsis. More than just tools. France, 2022

The "Skepsis. More than just tools" is a 7-days training course on critical thinking that was held in France, in October 2022. 

The training course involved participants from 6 countries: France🇫🇷, Poland🇵🇱, Malta🇲🇹, Spain🇪🇸, Croatia🇭🇷, Latvia🇱🇻

The project aimed to increase critical thinking skills among youth leaders, youth workers and NGO activists and their stakeholders through learning about tools and methods to improve critical thinking and by creating tools and workshops which later would be used in local communities.

We had a lot of activities devoted to raising critical thinking and media literacy skills. We spent these days learning, сhilling, visiting Carcassonne castle, playing games, getting to know each other cultures  and more other interesting things. 

We would like to express our gratitude to all the partners involved and the hosting organization, Amitie Franco Russe Languedoc and to Erasmus+ for this project to happen.

At the project participants worked in several groups creating various materials connected with critical thinking. Below you can see the results of their work:


1. Quiz on how to differentiate misconceptions from real facts.

Link: https://create.kahoot.it/share/misconceptions/64e5446f-da1f-4357-bad2-cb2b55f84708  

2. Video that presents logical fallacies.

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PkyTOST8CrVGthyXujuSwXYgU3a0OPHT 


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#Tell the nature! Volda, Norway, 2022

"Tell the Nature" it's an outdoor project that happened in Volda, Norway in August 2022.

This youth exchange was a truly spectacular experience that brought everyone together. It was a unique blend of storytelling, camping, and an outdoor expedition that lasted for nine full days.

The participants had the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in nature and explore the stunning surroundings. They learned about the importance of preserving the environment and how to connect with nature in a meaningful way through storytelling.

Camping in the wilderness was a true adventure, and the participants gained valuable skills and knowledge about surviving in the great outdoors. The expedition was a time to bond, share experiences, and create unforgettable memories.

Overall, the "Tell the Nature" project was an amazing experience that highlighted the beauty and significance of nature. The participants left feeling inspired, refreshed, and with a greater appreciation for the natural world.

Project was implemented by Logos together with amazing partners Lernlabor and RE:ACT Volda.

Critical thinking — Youth against propaganda. Toila, Estonia. 2022

The "Critical thinking - Youth against propaganda!" is a 7-days long training course that took place in Toila, Estonia and was devoted to the issue of developing critical thinking and media literacy skills.

We were in amazing country Estonia 🇪🇪. And there we were talking more about propaganda, fake news, disinformation. Popular topic, as usual. We had a possibility to implement various of activities, even to visit a local media. So that was a nice practical opportunity to see how news creation process looks from inside. 

As a result:

  • We increased critical thinking skill among participants of training course and their stakeholders;
  • We improved quality of youth work in partner organisations;
  • We created 6 tools and workshops about critical thinking for youth workers which can later be applied at local communities;
  • We developed new activities within the Skepsis Movement movement to have better continuation and spreading of ideas about critical thinking.

Project was conducted by two trainers, who are working in the field of media literacy and critical thinking, Veronika Kurkina and Viktoriia Nuzhdova. 

Thanks to hosting and participation organizations:

Progress Center Estonia Associació Cultura Creativa CreativePlus FORUM 16 Giovani Iddocca

Participants of the project in international teams created 5 tools for critical thinking promotion among youngsters that are open for public, below you can find more information about it: