I want to break free. Beziers, France, 2021

Critical force was a training course that took place in Poznan, Polan in July, 2021. This training course was devoted to topics of critical thinking and media literacy. It was hosted by Logos Polska and implemented by a consortium of partners from different programme and partner countries. The audience of the training course were youth workers, youth leaders and NGO activists.
At this training course we covered various topics:
We made 2 open events - an intercultural party that took place in the local bar Barbarka and an open event to present the results of the project developed by participants. We had around 60 people at intercultural event and about 35 at the project results presentation event.
Project partners:
This project was supported by the Polish national agency and Erasmus+ programme
Training course "Critical force" was made as a part of the international Skepsis movement
Please see the results of the project - different workshops made by participants of the training course
Escape to diversity is a project about escape rooms for educational purposes. At this training course, we gathered 20 youth workers, NGO activists and youth leaders to teach them how to use escape rooms for education.
This training course was funded by the International Visegrad Fund in 2020 and it took a long year for us to implement it. We had to deal with the coronavirus epidemic, travel restrictions and one of the trainers getting COVID on the last day before the activity. But we managed it!
Though our original intention was to do it in Kyiv, in the end, we implemented it in Poltava. This is a beautiful city with amazing people. Thanks to the professionalism of our organizers - Veronika Kurkina and Dmitriy Markov, the training course was implemented flawlessly.
The idea of the training course was similar to other training courses we made on this topic. Participants learned about escape rooms, went to play several of those to practice and then built 3 amazing rooms of their own.
On 23rd of May, we made an open event to invite locals to play the rooms that were made by participants and to promote ideas of inclusion, diversity and human rights. Event was attended by 25 people and together with training course participants, they played escape rooms over 15 times.
Below you can find a short description of the rooms that participants built and links to toolboxes, that contain all needed information if you want to build one yourself. In case if you need help with constructing your own room contact us at [email protected] or find contacts of escape rooms designers in the toolboxes
This is an escape room that tells about the deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944. Though being quite difficult emotionally this room was extremely interesting to visit and play. Players learned about facts and stories about the genocide of the Crimean Tatar nation.
Hata na tata
In this escape room, players will have a chance to think about equal distribution of family responsibilities, appreciate a woman's work as a mother, a wife and a working person. Understand difficulties and their effect on mental health.
Broadcast studio
Creators of this escape room worked on the important topic of religious understanding. Players will step into the shoes of journalists who need to stop the publishing of the discriminative article.
Teams that created escape rooms
Educational escape rooms creation guide
An additional output of the training course is a short guide on how to build educational escape rooms. Check it below to understand how you start making an educational escape room, how you choose a room, make puzzles and design interesting story. This guide also contains links to video tutorials that we made to help youth workers build their educational escape rooms.
More information about the project is also available at the project's web-site https://escapeproject.logos.ngo/
Project partners
The project was developed and hosted by Logos Ukraine, but it wouldn't be possible without the help and cooperation of our amazing partners:
Check the video about the project
Skepsis - critical thinking in tools was an international training course that was developed by Logos and AFRL. We spoke about critical thinking, media literacy, fakes, misinformation, misconceptions, cognitive biases and much more. This project was implemented within the international Skepsis movement devoted to the development of critical thinking and media literacy
During the project, we had a meeting with the mayor of Agde. Mister Gilles D'Ettore met with participants of the training course to discuss youth participation and the role of media in political life. They also learned about the history of the city and asked questions directly to the Mayor. That was a pleasant and interesting meeting for us.
After receiving knowledge on the topic, participants created their own tools and ideas about critical thinking.
At the end of the project, we made an open online event (https://www.facebook.com/events/282275840007966) to share tools and ideas that participants of the training course developed. This open event was attended by people from 9 different countries.
We want to thank our lovely partner Amitie Franco Russe Languedoc for organising it, our other lovely partners for supporting and taking part Baltijas Reģionālais fonds Brno for you, z.s. Asociación Las Niñas del Tul Pozitiva Samobor PlanBe, Plan it Be it Global Union for Innovations, Development and Education - GUIDE
This project was supported by Erasmus+ programme and Agence Erasmus+ France Jeunesse & Sport. Thank you very much for helping us!
At the project, participants worked to create various tools which could be used for education on critical thinking and media literacy. See them below and feel free to use any that you find interesting.
Cognitive Bias Practical Activity
This game aims to be aware of how easily you can be tricked by your brain by putting in practice various cognitive biases in a funny way. (30-45mn)
Posters about critical thinking
Use these posters to illustrate your workshop on critical thinking or for decoration
Critical thinking online interactive game
Play together with Skepsotron to learn about misconceptions and fakes. Click the link to play - https://www.thinglink.com/video/1437027929220448258. Or you can play it on our website below
Logos organization and Skepsis movement are thankful to all of you, partners, and participants, for this educational project to happen. We hope you found out new knowledge or at least now know the direction to move on.
This project was developed and hosted by Logos and implemented together with our great partners:
"This is the future: ideas in mind!" was a training course that took place in Poznan, Poland on 4-12 of January, 2020. This project was developed by Centrum financni gramotnosti and Logos and hosted by Logos Polska. The training course was made within Erasmus+ programme and funded by the Polish national agency.
Project aim:
Aim of the project was to empower people to expand job opportunities in their communities through transforming skills they improve during the TC.
Issues addressed:
Project results
During the project a ToolBox with business ideas for social entrepreneurship was developed and it is available below
Training course “Feeling factory” was implemented in Kolin, Czechia on 30 November - 8 December 2019. The project was hosted by CEFIG with trainers' team coming from Logos and AFR and funded by Czech National Agency.
We had 24 youth workers from 8 countries on 7 days long training course. Our aim was to raise awareness about such human rights issues as domestic violence, xenophobia and discrimination through making escape rooms, as well as understanding how to use escape rooms as a learning tool in order to create various activities at local communities.
This was the first time the project on escape rooms was implemented by Logos team in Czechia. The training course was delivered by trainers Emir Shevkiiev and Marko Boyko and junior trainer Anaïs Belliard and it was organised by the team of CEFIG.
At the project, we had a chance to build rooms in the hotel in the centre of Kolin. Our participants built 3 escape rooms connected to the topics of the training course and we invited locals to come and play. At the open event, we had around 30 guests, who had a chance to learn and play at the same time.
The educational goal of the room is to raise awareness about sexual orientation discrimination.
Hello everyone, my name is X and I'm Marie's sister. I got your message asking if you could come to Marie's room to try to understand the reason why she tried to kill herself. I can't imagine what drove her to do this because she was always smiling and now she is at the hospital.
The educational goal of the room: create an environment for players to experience the refugee, create awareness about xenophobia.
You are immigrants that paid a high price to cross the sea to get to a developed country. You just want to have a better life. I am going to hand you to the boat’s captain that will escort you to your hiding place.
The educational goal of the room is to raise awareness of domestic violence situations. The main goal for players during the game is to help their friend - Emma Brown, by finding her passport and ticket and escape from the room before her boyfriend finds her.
In each "toolbox" you can find following information:
If you want to build a similar room, but have some questions, don't hesitate to write us [email protected]
The project was implemented by teams of CEFIG from Czechia and Logos Poland, but we had great partners supporting us with their contributions and members:
About the project
"Thinking habit" was an international training course that took place in Latvia between 6th and 13th of October, 2019. At this training course, we worked with youth workers to develop their critical thinking skills. We also created workshops to develop critical thinking in local communities. This training course was developed by Logos and Baltic Regional Fund and implemented within Skepsis framework. The project was made under Erasmus+ programme and supported by the Latvian National agency.
Project aim
Our aim was to increase critical thinking skills among youth leaders, youth workers and NGO activists and their stakeholders through learning about tools and methods to improve critical thinking and by creating tools and workshops which later would be used in local communities.
How did it go
At the training course, we started with learning about basics of critical thinking and media literacy, diving into the world of fakes, biases, logical fallacies and conspiracy theories. After that participants developed their own ideas for workshops about critical thinking and media literacy. At the end of the training course, we made an open event open for external guests. At this event, attended by almost 50 people, we introduced the idea of Skepsis movement and presented workshops made by participants.
Workshops made by participants
Below you can find results of participants' work - workshops that were created at the training course.
How to make a decision using critical thinking - "Are you well equipped to take decisions". This workshop was originally prepared for the people who are taking leadership roles in NGOs and are looking for a ways to make decisions within their organisations. But as we practiced the workshop we found out that it can be applied to anyone who is in the process of making a decisions, including personal
ones. At the project we tested the method on about 10 people, who managed to take decisions on issues they had.
How to recognise fake news using CRAAP method - "Cut the CRAAP". This workshop was developed by the group of participants who wanted to have an easy tool to detect fakes in media. It was originally created to be used during the upcoming Youth Exchange that one of the participants was preparing. CRAAP method is about analysing the article with 5 different arguments: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose.
How to spot fake news - "Do you news?". This workshop has its goal of introducing learners to basic concepts of critical thinking and media literacy. It can be used in the class by teachers with some practical examples and debates included.
Applying critical thinking when using social networks - "Mind in action". At this workshop, there were several learning objectives - to present the tool to recognise truth from false, to bring participants attention to the content they consume, to make learners think before they post something in media. Main specifics of this workshop is that it is about social media usage and this is one of the most important topics today.
Affect of media on young people's life - "Should we believe in media?". This workshop is mainly about the media and helps learners to understand that not all that seem true is true and also to identify pros and cons about social media framing. Also this workshops includes many visual examples of fakes and misinformation which would be interesting for young people.
How our background affects how we perceive information - "Tell your story". At this workshop, learners get to see how their background affects the way they see the information. What makes this workshop different is that it can be made for young people aged 7-14.
About the project:
Training course “Get your horizons expanded!” – Life action planning role game: stereotypes & critical thinking (Human rights life action role playing) gathered 23 young leaders and youngsters from 8 countries: Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, Cyprus, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. This training course was supported by the Italian national agency and hosted in Potenza by Youth Europe Service organisation. The idea of the project was developed by Logos and hosting organisation. It was delivered by Logos trainers - Nataliia Zatokovenko and Kaspars Folkmanis.
Project aim:
The aim of the project was to raise awareness about Human rights in spheres of stereotypes and critical thinking through making Human rights life actions role-playing games.
LARP handbook
During the project, participants created 4 educational LARP games, which were combined to one file by the trainer at the project - Nataliia Zatokovenko. This handbook is available for anyone who wants to make educational LARP games.