
Great Outdoors 2.0. Volda, Norway, 2023.

Great Outdoors 2.0. Volda, Norway, 2023.

In June 2023, the Great Outdoors 2.0 project took place in the mountains and fjords of Norway, near Volda city.

πŸ”οΈBased at HΓΈydal camp, participants had unforgettable adventures, including kayaking in Austefjord, a 4-day wilderness expedition in SunmΓΈrsalpane, scaling Tors Hammer Via-Ferrata in Leon, and conducting workshops on outdoor skills, group management, and experiential education.

πŸ•οΈParticipants gained valuable knowledge and hands-on experience in setting up and managing outdoor camps, first-aid, route finding, navigation, expedition planning, and cooking. Additionally, they learned about identifying hazards in sub-alpine terrain, assessing avalanche risks, person-overboard, and marine rescue techniques. Mindfulness techniques were also explored, along with planning and conducting feedback sessions to complete the experiential learning process.

Project was organized together with our partners RE:ACT Volda and Lernlabor.

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